It's been just over a year since this project started in July 2020, and we thought it would be great to give a bit of an update as to how it's going!

What is Men, Sex and Intimacy again?
Men, Sex and Intimacy is an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award project, comprised of four research studies. These include
a cultural analysis of #metoo commentaries on sex, men, and sexual communication;
interviews with expert stakeholders working across sectors that engage boys and men (including gendered violence prevention, sexual health and wellbeing, sport, and emotional and physical health and wellbeing);
interviews and focus groups with young cisgender, heterosexual men and women; and
a collaborative literature review study looking at how research addresses cisgender, heterosexual men, sex, and intimacy
How is the project going?
Despite both external and internal challenges such as COVID-19 among others, the project is doing very well! To date, we have:
Completed data collection and analysis for the cultural studies component, with 1 paper under review and a second about to be published!
Completed data collection and analysis for the expert stakeholder component, with a confidential report prepared and read by stakeholders, alongside two journal articles about ready to go out for review.
Just finished data collection for the interviews and focus group component, with an initial methods paper almost ready to go out for review.
What else have you done?
Alongside heaps of data collection, we have done a few community panels talking about young people, sexual health, and consent! We also contributed to a parliamentary motion about including more comprehensive relationships and sexuality education in school, presented a paper on the cultural analysis component at the 2021 American Men's Studies Conference, and presented some preliminary research findings from the expert stakeholder interviews, and interviews and focus groups with men and women at a recent guest lecture.
What's Next?
Next steps will be focusing on analysis and write-up of the findings from the interviews and focus groups with men and women, and preparing for the 2022 American Men's Studies Conference. Additionally, continuing to work through the fourth project on the literature review component.
Anything we can read or view now?
Keep an eye out for our next post which talks about the most recent publication from this project!