This project explored men's practices of using dating apps, sexting, and sending Dick Pics.
This study investigated young men’s sexting practices, in particular their taking of sexy images such as torso and bicep pics, and dick pics. It sought to understand how men are engaging with their bodies, the kinds of pictures they take, and what they hope such pictures will provide in terms of sexual and romantic interactions with women.
Chief Investigator(s)
Dr Andrea Waling, ARCSHS, La Trobe University
​​Associate Professor Adam Bourne, ARCSHS, La Trobe University​
Associate Professor Jennifer Power, ARCSHS, La Trobe University​
Professor Michael Kehler, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Project Staff
Dr Lucille Kerr, ARCSHS, La Trobe University
Host Institution
The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe University
La Trobe University Human Research Council Ethics HEC18477
15 young, heterosexual cisgender men between 18 and 35 residing in Australia were interviewed in 2019 about their dating app and sexting practices.
The findings of this research noted that men experience a range of body vulnerabilities and desires in wanting to be seen as attractive to women.
Additionally, that men take care in their process of taking Dick Pics and other erotic photos.
Findings also noted that such men navigating competing tensions in wanting to be seen as desirable to women in their dating profile pictures.Â
Yet they are also conscious of not coming across as too masculine, muscular, or vain.Â